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360 Pole Dancing Studio from above

360 Pole Dancing was nominated and has been shortlisted for STUDIO OF THE YEAR at Pole World Festival 2017! As just a small studio, we're delighted to have made the final list, it makes all the hard work worth it to know that you all love what we've created too. Now we need your help - VOTES. Hop over to the Pole World Festival website, where you can vote in a variety of categories. Please vote for 360 Pole Dancing in the Studio of the Year Category. (you can skip the other categories if you're not sure who the people are). It's completely free, doesn't ask for any personal details, and takes less than a minute to complete.

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X-Pert Certified levels 1 and 2 lcon
X-Pert Certified levels 3 and 4 icon

XPERT is a professional teacher training and a continuing education course. Participants receive a certificate indicating that they have successfully completed the 16-hour course and passed the written and practical exam portions of the training. 

Pole Dance Community Approved School icon, red writing with a green tick

Certified as an approved pole dance school by the Pole Dance Community.


Representing the highest level of professionalism and teaching quality.

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