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Frequently Asked Questions
What should I wear to Pole Dancing LessonsSkin grip is essential for Pole Dancing. Shorts are required so your thighs can grip the pole, so knee-length shorts are not suitable. It's best to wear something comfortable, but form-fitting - watch out for a gaping crotch! For more advanced classes your sides and shoulders will be required to grip too, so a sports crop-top or strappy vest is good. For your feet, bare feet is fine. Please bring your heels to the first class (Floor & Flow) of each month! (Beginners' Courses: please bring heels to the LAST class of your course) Have a look at our studio pictures to get an idea of what our students wear.
What should I NOT wear to Pole Dancing Lessons?It is VERY important that you do not apply moisturiser, lotion, fake tan, or oil to your skin on the day of the class. They can transfer to the pole, and make it dangerous for you, and anyone else using the same pole. Please remove all rings (including wedding rings), watches and bracelets before using the pole. Any jewellery that is unable to be removed must be covered with tape. Do not wear denim or other stiff fabrics.
Will I get fit by coming to Pole Dancing Lessons?Pole Dancing is absolutely fantastic for toning up, as you will be using your body weight as resistance. You will definitely feel it in your arms and abs! Regular use of the pole can improve your core strength, coordination and balance. However Pole Dancing is not going to make a huge difference with just one class a week, so our focus is more on the artistic and dance side of Pole Dancing, and not strictly fitness. It's actually very difficult to keep up the intensity of Pole Dancing required to burn fat, so it is recommended that you complement Pole Dancing with a regular cardio workout too.
What happens in a typical class?The studio opens 10 minutes before the class start time, to allow for changing and checking in. The class starts with an aerobic mobilisation warm up. Then we spend 10 minutes working on strength and conditioning to prepare your body for harder moves in the future. In Ability-Level classes, everyone will work on the same moves and spins as a group, learning 2 or 3 new skills each week. Variations will be available for those revisiting older moves. The class finishes with a stretch cool down. The first class of the month is "Floor & Flow" where we wear high heels and work on dance movement, sequences, floorwork tricks, and transitions to feel more confident wearing heels while dancing, and learning to link moves! You will be reminded to bring your heels in the previous week's class.
Does Pole Dancing hurt?I won't lie to you, Pole Dancing is hard work. You will probably ache all over the day after your first class. This is why we include a warm up and cool down in the lessons to help minimise this. Learning the stretches given to you in class, and repeating them at home can help enormously. Bruising is very common when learning new pole tricks, especially on the legs. Even the professionals get bruises when trying something new. Bruising will subside as your body learns how not to hurt itself in each move. Lots of Pole Dancers call their bruises "badges of honour" and show them off to other polers! Bruising can be reduced by applying an ice pack, or you can try arnica or witch hazel. Pole burn is actually friction burn from gripping the pole with your skin. Again, this gets better with time as your body gets used to the pole. Pole burn can be easily treated with an aloe vera aftersun gel.
I've got no upper body strength! Can I still come?Many students come to their first lesson thinking they have weak arms. In your first lesson you'll be given some basic strengthening exercises to help with this, but the best thing you can do to improve your upper body strength is Pole Dancing! You'll also find that pole isn't just about upper body strength, and there are loads of things you will achieve even in your first classes. Just by trying the moves, you'll be training those muscles up - you'll notice an improvement in just a matter of weeks!
Am I too big/old/young/short/tall/unfit to come to Pole Dancing Lessons?Not at all. Anyone can come and enjoy the movement of Pole Dancing. There is no upper age limit; we have students in their 60's! However you must be over 18 for insurance purposes. We do not have any kind of weight limit on the poles Don't worry about what you look like, everyone has their own hang-ups and is probably too bothered about perfecting the next move and not falling on their bum to worry about anyone else.
Are there any people who cannot attend Pole Dancing Classes?Under 18s cannot take part due to our insurance coverage. If you are pregnant you will not be able to participate. NO EXCEPTIONS. If you have recently given birth (natural birth less than 3 months, C-Section 6 months) we require a note from your doctor to clear you for exercise. All students will be asked to complete a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PARQ), if there are found to be contraindications, you may be asked to provide a doctor's note to clear you for exercise. If there is anything that you think may affect you ability to take part in a physical exercise class, please get in touch in advance of booking - it's best that your instructor knows about any medical conditions, so they can help you if you fall ill during a class.
I'm really nervous about attending my first Pole Dancing Lesson!It's normal to be nervous, but there's really no need to be. Everyone had to be a beginner at some point! Everyone in the class is there for the same reason - to pole!
Will I have to share a pole?Most of our classes have 2 people sharing per pole. For Beginners especially it is incredibly beneficial to have time to rest between turns, to take a moment to watch others and listen to another tip before having another go. It’s also part of the class experience that you give and receive encouragement from your pole-buddy, and you'll also have your own personal photographer! You will not miss out on any learning by sharing a pole. In fact you will most likely appreciate the break between skills for your hands, skin, and arms to recover.
Can I come and watch a class before I book?No. 360 Pole Dancing does not allow spectators in the weekly classes. This is for the comfort of the current students. Why not sign up for just one class to try it? You might love it!
Are the classes just for women?We accept all genders into our classes. Our classes have a feminine and sensual style, so if that sounds like you'd like to try, you're very welcome! The only rule is that you must be willing to join in the class the same as everyone else - this includes dance and flow and pointing your toes! Please be respectful of all our students. We reserve the right to remove anyone from class if another student is made to feel uncomfortable.
How do I book in each week?Please use our online booking system to book your classes. If the class appears "full" please join the waiting list, and you will be automatically contacted should a space come available. For Beginners Courses, choose your preferred start day/time and you will attend at the same time each week for the duration of the course. Please do not come to the studio without having made a booking as you may be turned away.
What happens if I can't attend a class?If you can't attend your PAYG class, please use the online booking system to transfer your class to another day/time. You can do this up to 24 hours before the time of your class without penalty. Unfortunately transfers are not available on Beginners Courses If it's less than 24 hours until your class, please let us know by text or email so that your instructor and fellow students are not waiting for you at the beginning of class. Classes are popular, and often have waiting lists, so cancelling your class with as much notice as possible, will allow another student to take your place. There are NO REFUNDS for any classes. Classes are non-transferrable to other students.
What happens if I'm late for a class?The studio opens 10 minutes in advance of your class start time. This gives you plenty of time to arrive, and sign-in and get changed etc. All classes start punctually at the advertised start time. Once the group warm-up has commenced, the security doors will not be opened, and you will not gain access to the studio. It is not safe to take part in a class without completing the warm-up, and it is distracting and discourteous to other students who arrive on time to have the class stopped for latecomers. There are no refunds or exchanges for late arrivals. Please aim to arrive 10 minutes in advance of the advertised class start time.
What payment methods do you accept?Advance payments for lessons are made on the online booking system via Stripe. You can make a "Link" account to store your details securely for faster checkout next time. Parties can be paid for by Bank Transfer or Stripe. All advance payments must be cleared into our account before your lesson can take place.

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